[CQ-Contest] Competition is..

Chuck discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 4 11:44:13 EDT 2003

S56A misses the mark, completely. 

Competitors compete against THREE things -

1) The inflexible standard of the parameters of
the event - Time, Distance, Speed, etc. These
don't change and they present an unchanging
reference point against which to measure ones

2) Themselves - in that they strive to better
whatever level they are currently at, achieved in
the last competition, or have set for themselves
as a personal goal.

3) The competition  - in that they strive to not
only master the event BUT set such a high mark
that will resist all others attempts to best it.

THAT is what competition is, plain and simple. 

Amateur radio operators, whether they be
'HARDCORE', 'just for personal enjoyment', or
'out to improve, personally, in one area or
another' ALL fall into one, two or all of the
above categories.

Hopefully, S56A and those like him will
understand this.

Chuck K3FT

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