[CQ-Contest] W8OK SK

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Fri Jun 6 22:40:54 EDT 2003

 From the ARRL Newsletter :


Well-known top-flight contester and CW operator Frank Schwab, W8OK, of
Dayton, Ohio, died May 30 after a lengthy illness. He was 77. In 1952 and
then president of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, Schwab was among
the organizers of the first Hamvention. Schwab subsequently became known
around Dayton as the "father of Hamvention" or "Mr Hamvention."

Schwab had attended every Hamvention but the most recent one in May,
during which he was hospitalized. An ARRL Life Member, he also belonged to
the Society of Wireless Pioneers and the Quarter Century Wireless
Association. As a founder and member of the Southwestern Ohio DX
Association, he was involved in planning the annual DX banquet held in
conjunction with Hamvention. Schwab was Hamvention's Amateur of the Year
in 1978.

A World War II Navy veteran radioman, Schwab was first licensed in 1946 as
W8YCP and, owing in part to his considerable CW skill (he could copy 55
WPM), he soon rose to the top of the DXCC ranks (376 DXCC entities
confirmed) and eventual membership in the CQ DX Hall of Fame.

Survivors include his wife, Carolyn, 12 children, 30 grandchildren and 3
great grandchildren. Four of his survivors are hams. They include his
daughter Joanne Hubbard, N8QMP, grandchildren Bobbie Anderson, KC7RWX, and
Sarah Anderson, KC7MRO, and son-in-law Jack Hubbard, NI8N.--information
provided by Jack Hubbard, NI8N

  I had the pleasure of first meeting Frank from one the J6DX operations
 that I was part of in the mid 1990's. That was one of my most memorable
 and fun contest DXpeditions of all I have been on. It was the first time I
 ever met Paul Gentry, K9PG. He was a cocky young contester back then even  
 more than now !! Paul, Steve, WD8IXE (N8SM), Dale, W8KTQ, and I had some fun
 exploring St Lucia during our off time and I remember took my first helicoptor
 ride (along with those guys) on that trip. We talked the pilot into hovering 
 over the J6DX QTH to get pictures which I'm sure showed up on someones QSL 
 card... RIP Frank.......

                    73's Jeff  KU8E

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