[CQ-Contest] CN awards sponsored by the Boring ARC

Tree tree at kkn.net
Mon Jun 9 13:29:24 EDT 2003

As an attempt to reward competition at the local level, the Boring Amateur
Radio Club is sponsoring four plaques for the CN grid field.

If you aren't up on grid squares, the CN grid field encompasses Western
Washington and Oregon, with a small corner of California and BC thrown in.

The categories are:

1. Top High Power single-op.
2. Top Low Power single-op.
3. Top QRP/portable single-op.
4. Any rover with >= 100 total QSOs with at least four CN grids.

These are the same high quality awards used in the Stew Perry contest.  We
would also like to thank N0JK for helping sponsor the QRP award and he doesn't
even live in this part of the country.

Awards will be mailed out sometime before the next contest to those with the
appropriate scores listed in QST.  

73 Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

PS: The June VHF contest is this next weekend.  Almost as much fun as the 
Florida QSO Party.

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