[CQ-Contest] Keep it up, 'UU

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wn3vaw at fyi.net
Tue Mar 4 13:22:22 EST 2003


If you were there before the net in question started up (be it the formal
net or the "pre-net" gatherings that often take place) then I'm with Scott
on this one.  If you were there first, then it is up to them to move to
avoid QRM that they believe is being caused by you and/or others calling

Having said that, it might have been prudent to move down a little IF YOU
COULD.  Of course, in most contest situations, that is not possible, just as
you indicated.

What I love is the nets that believe that being established on a particular
frequency entitles them to "ownership" of that same frequency.  'few years
back, I ran into trouble like this on 75 Phone during my favorite state QSO
party with a certain WAS net who were upset that I was ~3 - 3.5 kHz above
their operating frequency -- which should be well enough above that there
should have been no QRM, but some of that gang have trouble with the concept
of "zero beat" -- and had to put up with over an hour of cat calls,
carriers, jamming, threats, lies ("come down to our frequency, we've got
LOTS of guys who want to work you!"  Oh yeah, sure, a directed net that will
give me 5 or 6 QSO's in an hour -- in a contest?  Get real.) and so forth.
Certainly lowered my opinion of that net & it's organization, but that's
another story.

We all have to share the spectrum, and that should mean that we avoid
QRM'ing a non-contest related net during our contest operating.  But it cuts
both ways -- that also means that the net will just have to squeeze into a
crowded band during a contest and do the best they can.
73, ron wn3vaw

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... won't you be my neighbor?"
Fred Rodgers, "Mister Rogers Neighborhood," SK, 27 February 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott W4PA" <w4pa at yahoo.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 8:06 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Keep it up, 'UU

> N0UU wrote:
> >Then someone came on freq and said, "Do you know that there is a net 2
> >KHz up?"  Answer was "No!" and I continued.  Then another came on and
> asked if I could move down a bit.  There was a strong stn there and I
> >was just hearing >his high tones and couldn't.  About every 5 minutes
> >I had someone come and ask if I could hear the net.  Never did.
> >Am I obligated to move?
> 2 kHz away?  Absolutely not.  Stick to your guns, bro.
> Scott Robbins, W4PA
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