[CQ-Contest] Re: 40M Band Plan

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wn3vaw at fyi.net
Sat Mar 8 12:20:59 EST 2003

W1AW for many years used to transmit CW code practice & bulletins on 1818,
3580, 7080, 14080, 21080 & 28080.  Once the digital & other folks started
"staking out" their preferred territories, and then started squawking about
W1AW "interferring" by transmitting CW in "their" part of the band, the ARRL
started to shift some of the frequencies around to accomodate them.

So now we have someone squawking that W1AW on 40 is on "the" prime SSB DX
frequency (it is?  I thought 7095 +/- was?), which only goes to prove that
no matter where they go, someone won't like it -- ie no matter what, they
can't win.  Heck, I'm sure if they shifted the 40 M frequency up into the
Novice/Tech+ subband (which is now highly under-utilized most evenings)
someone will find a reason to kvetch about that, too.  (For that matter, if
they ever dropped code practice & bulletins on the grounds that the Internet
makes them redundant and/or otherwise unneccesary, someone would kvetch
about that, too!)

Until (and unless) 40 M world-wide re-alignment gets approved and
implemented, we all just have to learn to get along and share the band as
best we can, and make the best of things like this.  Fortunately, most of us
know that.  Sadly, a few don't.

73, ron wn3vaw

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... won't you be my neighbor?"
Fred Rodgers, "Mister Rogers Neighborhood," SK, 27 February 2003

----- Original Message -----
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 19:46:32 -0600
From: "Dale L Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Re: 40M Band Plan

> Al F5VHJ wrote:
> >The so called "band plan of no SSB below 7040 KHz"  has nothing about CW
> >above 7040. Why do people need to operate CW above 7040 KHz in CQWW CW?
> Not to mention the fact that ARRL's very own W1AW transmits its
> regular code practice around 7047, THE prime SSB DX frequency, five
> days every week!
> John, NT5C.

Interesting observation.

Wasn't W1AW on 40m much higher in frequency years ago....around 7060 or
thereabouts?  Did they move down to avoid the digital modes?

Methinks with the CW portion of the band being pretty sparsely populated in
the evenings gthese days maybe they will move lower and avoid the other
region's SSB plan.  Maybe someone should mention to the county hunters and
FISTS and the QRP'ers (the hardcore ones, not me) that they need to relocate
their calling frequencies because of potential QRM to SSB'ers in another


dale, kg5u

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