[CQ-Contest] callsign advantages

PaulKB8N at aol.com PaulKB8N at aol.com
Wed Mar 12 10:58:57 EST 2003

I tend to agree that both rhythm and the last character are significant.  My 
original call was K9WVJ.  The "J" at the end really seemed to be a nice hook, 
as it is a long, continuous letter with lots of dahs.  

The name of the game is capturing the other receiver's AGC.  I believe a 
signal with lots of dahs will prevail even against a louder signal with lots 
of dits, simply because the average power transmitted over time is greater.  
You can discern dahs in a background of dits, it is more difficult to discern 
dits in a background of dahs. From that perspective, I'd also say that Dan, 
K1TO, has a pretty terrific call.

My experience with my current call reflects this.  The most disputed 
character is always the "5".

Clearly the best call I ever had was DA1AM.  It had beautiful rhythm, flow 
and symetry, all but one character ended in a dah, and it also started and 
ended with a dah.  My worst call ever? W8LXQ!  Try that on either CW or fone! 

73, Paul, K5AF, KB8N, DA1AM, 7J6CAM, W8LXQ, W6RLR, W9LIZ, K9WVJ

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