[CQ-Contest] fairly comfy chair, fairly cheap

Dave Hachadorian k6ll at juno.com
Thu Mar 13 12:24:16 EST 2003

Got one yesterday. I think it will work out pretty well
being able to change all the adjustments during the
course of a contest.

officedepot.com item 363381

It has the following adjustments:

seat height
arm height
arm width
back is spring-loaded or can be locked in any position.
back height is adjustable so lumbar support hits you right
seat tilts forward and back, and can be locked in any position

It's $99, with free shipping, but there are some $25 off $75
and some $20 off $75 coupon codes floating around on the
internet. Do a search on google or fatwallet.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

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