[CQ-Contest] Unsportsmanlike conduct

Hans K0HB k0hb at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 31 20:24:11 EST 2003

> [Original Message]
> From: N7MAL <N7MAL at citlink.net>

> In the last few months we have all heard many moronic opinions 
>mostly inspired by FOXNEWS. W2UP has climbed up into the top 10 ten.

> It doesn't mean he was unsportmanlike, it meant his opinion was different
> than yours, it's neither right or wrong just different. Accept his opinion
> for what it is, his opinion, and get over yourself.

Hey N7MAL,

It doesn't mean W2UP was moronic, it meant his opinion was different
than yours, it's neither right or wrong just different. Accept his opinion
for what it is, his opinion, and get over yourself.

With all kind wishes,

Hans, K0HB
Lord High Liberator of the Electric Smoke

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