[CQ-Contest] Electric Fence QRN

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Tue May 6 07:53:56 EDT 2003


Had the same problem with a neighbors electric fence.
There were two things I did that made it quiet down,
before they finally got rid of the unit (thank god!)

First, the transformer had fallen off it's cheap
mounting bracket, and was making a horrible noise
as it contacted the screws holding the power supply 
housing to the wall.  I put a beefier mount on the
xfrmr and coated the all exposed metal hardware with
liquid electrical tape.  That helpd a LOT.

Second, I had to coat the wires where it was coming
into contact with vegetation.  Otherwise, it would
spark and make a racket.  The fence surrounded the 
neighbor's flower garden, so I couldn't just hack the
vegetation away.  It was a PITA, and they eventually
got rid of the fence. Now there's another one I hear,
but it's much farther away.  Good luck, and let us
know how it turns out. There also an RFI reflector
on contesting.com with lots of posts on the subject.

-Kirk  K4RO

On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 04:06:17PM -0400, K5NZ at aol.com wrote:
> Ok, my worst nightmare has just come true... 
> I moved to the end of a county road away from all noise
> and now my land owner next door has thrown a few cows on
> his place and installed an electric fence!  

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