[CQ-Contest] NQP Log submittal address is down

Ed - K0iL k0il at arrl.net
Sun May 11 15:30:53 EDT 2003

Our apologies if you've tried to submit a log via hdxa at qsl..net and it bounced.  We're trying to get it cleared up.

In the meantime, you can submit your logs directly to me at any of the following addresses:
k0il at arrl.net
k0il at qsl.net
eedwards at tconl.com

Pse be sure to start your Subject line with "NQP 2003" followed by your callsign and state.  Thanks!

de ed -K0iL
-.-.  --.-   ....  .-  --  ...   -..  .   -.-  -----  ..  .-..   -.- 
 Ed Edwards    --    K0iL
 PO Box 375                    
 Elkhorn, NE 68022-0375 
 Visit my web site:  http://www.qsl.net/k0il
 or HDXA's web site:  http://www.qsl.net/hdxa
--... ...--   . ...   --. .-..   - ---   ..-   --- --   ...-.-   . . 

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