[CQ-Contest] Orion

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Mon May 12 14:55:22 EDT 2003

W4ZV replied to OH6LI:

> >This is what we now wait for:
> >When comes the time we can have a DSP or two DSPs in
> >a box without 500Hz-3kHz analog filters limiting the
> >performance of the receiver or two receivers and the
> >transmitter in the same box.
> >And taking into account the box must be below 4000 USD
> >for the consumer equivalent to year 2003 USD pricing.
>          I believe you may be missing a fundamental point here.
>The ADC/DSP/DAC technology used in current DSP radios is
>being driven by the digital cellular market (GSM, CDMA, etc).
>The extremely high volume of this market is what makes these
>components available at very reasonable prices for IF's in the
>kHz range.  I do not see a similar market at the moment which
>will drive DSP volumes at the higher frequencies necessary
>for a first IF to allow general coverage receive.

With the rather high concentration of amateurs at Nokia, perhaps
something can be done about pushing designs & therefore the
DSP component market to higher frequencies?  ;^)

73, VR2BrettGraham

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