[CQ-Contest] re: self spotting abuses in WPX CW

KEN SILVERMAN k2kw at prodigy.net
Tue May 27 07:09:39 EDT 2003

OK, I got it now.  Slick strategy.

Kenny K2KW

----- Original Message -----
From: <k1ttt at arrl.net>
To: "KEN SILVERMAN" <k2kw at prodigy.net>; "[Contest Reflector]"
<cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] re: self spotting abuses in WPX CW

> ah, but you missed one important point... this spot was not put in from a
> cluster node, it was put in using the web interface at www.dxsummit.com.
> > &gt; NG6O-@: D88S
> >
> >
> > This is a valid spot made by NG6O.  The frequency and time stamp match a
> > search and pounce QSO we made.  We were also using N1MM's software, and
> > the "Spot all S&P QSOs" feature active, so all S&P QSOs were
> > sent to the cluster.  Most of the contest weekend we were hooked up to
> > K1TTT's cluster, but we did have some connectivity issues (not sure if
> > was our dial up or TTT's cluster), so I think one of the guys did
connect to
> > few other clusters this weekend.
> >
> > Kenny K2KW - op at NG6O
> >
> ---------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using Crocker Communications, Inc. webmail.
> https://webmail.crocker.com/

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