[CQ-Contest] self spotting vs other cheating

Kenneth E. Harker kharker at cs.utexas.edu
Tue May 27 10:40:39 EDT 2003

On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 12:09:09PM -0400, KI9A at aol.com wrote:
> OK, now we have the self spotting deal exposed, which, IMO is great. But....
> Really, does self spotting give a station "that" much advantage, at least 
> compared to other forms of cheating, like big power for instance?

So...  self-spotting is bad, but it's not as bad some other forms of cheating,
so we should....?  what?  Where are you going with this?

In many contests, winners can be determined by very few QSOs or multipliers.
Whether or not a station makes the Top Ten can be determined by very few QSOs
or multipliers.  Whether or not a station beats a local rival can be determined
by very few QSOs or multipliers.  If a cheater feels that self-spotting helps 
them, even if it's not "that" much, by drawing a few more QSOs into the log, 
isn't that just as bad as running excessive power?

Kenneth E. Harker      "Vox Clamantis in Deserto"      kharker at cs.utexas.edu
University of Texas at Austin                   Amateur Radio Callsign: WM5R
Department of the Computer Sciences          Central Texas DX & Contest Club
Taylor Hall TAY 2.124                         Maintainer of Linux on Laptops
Austin, TX 78712-1188 USA            http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/

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