[CQ-Contest] Re: LZ DX Contest and Unique QSOs

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Thu Nov 6 01:11:19 EST 2003


>I do not know what wrong you see with Cabrillo example on LZDXC web site,
>but here is the sample of Cabrillo for WAE SSB which I do not see to be any
>different from what is shown on LZDXC web site beside  the kind of exchange
>of course :
>QSO: 7045  PH  2003-09-13  0102  LZ9W  59 126  RA9JR  59 044
>QSO: 14000 CW 2003-11-22  1323  LZ1FW  599 SF UA0BA 599 21

The QSO template for WAE is this:

--------info sent------- -------info rcvd-------- QSO: freq mo date time 
call rst exch call rst exch QSO: ***** ** yyyy-mm-dd nnnn ************* nnn 
****** ************* nnn ****** QSO: 3799 PH 2003-03-23 0711 YB1AQS 59 700 
DL8WPX 59 001 

Neither of the above conform to this.

Please consider having LZDXC's apparently preferred QSO template included with
others at http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/qso-template.html or 
alternatively, specify
a defined QSO template from there that is acceptable.

The advantages of Cabrillo are only enjoyable by all if a QSO template for the
particular contest is adopted, instead of just Cabrillo in general (or in 
the case of
one contest at least now, changes stuff from 
into something different).

>NOT counting unique QSOs for multipliers is a decision of the Contest
>Committee and if you do not like this rule you may of course choose not to
>participate in LZDXC. Everyone is free to make his decision.

Very true.  The problem with not counting uniques in any way is that the 
has no way to do anything about it - compared to bad calls, which we can 
when we log a call that's obviously busted or realize there is a chance 
that one is
bad when we log it when we're not entirely certain that we've got it right, 
a unique
that will be removed completely from your log or not count as a mult in the 
case of
LZDXC will appear at the time as perfectly valid Q.

If I operate LZDXC, VR6MY might call me & then get off the air, as being 
only 500m
away, co-existence is difficult.  But VR6BG looses his own country mult because
'MY only works him.  Likewise, someone like VP5NT is likely to not be able 
to work
his own country mult & have it count.  Alternatively, either the VP5 or VR6 
get a weak
answer to a CQ that turns out to be some other mult that only calls them 
they are a VP5 or VR6.  Several minutes go by in the effort to pull the guy 
through &
accurately log his call & exchange.  A number of other Qs are lost as 
S&Pers loose
interest in waiting for the Q to finish.  At the time, the effort made 
sense as the Q was
a new mult, but at the end of the day doesn't count & to make things worse, 
two or
three good Qs were missed.

Somebody from a country with lots of hams will have no problem getting a Q 
in the
log with one of them that will not get thrown out & is less likely to be 
called by
potential uniques that could matter.

I'll happily take a hit for a unique that is bad, but denying credit for a 
unique just
because it's a unique isn't on & the result is that I'm not so inclined to 
get on to
begin & I don't think that it's just Bruce & I that feel that 
way.  Everyone looses
when activity is discouraged like this.

>So, I wish you to have a nice time on the beach ,but be careful with the
>beer :-))).
>P.S. No one, even Lord can not make everyone happy at the same time :-)))

If not beer, there's always wine...   ;^)

73, VR2BrettGraham

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