[CQ-Contest] SS recording?

BruceAA5B at aol.com BruceAA5B at aol.com
Wed Nov 5 22:12:14 EST 2003

Forwarding this for a friend.  -Bruce AA5B
I'm going to devote most of my QRP forum talk at the Baton Rouge LA hamfest
(Nov 8) <http://www.brarc.org/> to the effects of solar flares, given the
recent news coverage.

So here's a longshot request - was anyone who was operating during Sunday's
SS by chance record their operations either on tape, CD, or .wav and got
lucky enough to capture the SID that occured about 1730Z Sunday when the
bands went dead?

Alternatively, does anyone know of a .wav or .ra file on the web of such an
event? Or a recording of the warbly note of over-the-poles signals?

Thanks & 73
Jim N5IB   giamman at rouge.phys.lsu.edu

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