[CQ-Contest] Link to Monster 80M yagi found!

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Fri Nov 14 17:40:40 EST 2003

Val, N4RJ bought the 4 el KLM that WA7NIN had up at his QTH.  I remember
putting it together in a field behind his house.   Those phasing lines kept
getting caught on everything.  I seem to remember that the 3 el version did
not past past the first big wind storm.  The 2 el version lasted a couple of
years but WX4G with his rotatable dipole up 135 feet was almost as good.  So
Val put up a 1 el version at 180 feet (you could see it for miles).  Val
worked on it all the time to make it more stable.  At 180 feet it worked

If you want a real 80 meter antenna there was a picture of the big yagis in
OH and the big antenna that ON4UN shows in his book and talks that was built
in DL.   There is also a I5 with a 5 el antenna.

The real secret is to get a dipole or 2el version up as high as possible.

Dave K4JRB

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