[CQ-Contest] Logbook of the World as substitute for bureau QSLing

Bruce Sawyer zf2nt at candw.ky
Wed Nov 19 14:57:57 EST 2003

I am in complete agreement with K4IK, N4ZR, et. al. regarding the LoTW
successes.  There have been a few rough edges getting this thing started,
but the program clearly receives close attention at ARRL and they are
smoothing out those rough edges as soon as they are identified.  I think the
ARRL is doing a fantastic job with this program and we should all be
grateful for the hard work that has gone into it.  I just checked this
morning and saw I passed the 10K mark on LoTW--with 150,754 QSO's submitted,
10,051 have now been confirmed.  That's a potential 5 boxes of QSL cards
this program could have saved me!  Thus it surely doesn't look to me that
the program is too complicated for hams to learn to use.  I hope to be able
to put all my blank QSL cards in the recycling bin any day now!

Bruce, ZF2NT

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