[CQ-Contest] Contest Operation With Confusing Callsigns

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Wed Nov 26 02:15:13 EST 2003

Plenty of suggestions for NP3D.

I'm unlikely to work NE NA on 80m, but if I was, I'd not be very pleased to
struggle pulling a weak NP3D through or keep calling him in a pile up only to
find he's really a W2 - sometimes working 'LPL or 'LR is hard enough as it is
(which actually should be an indication to me that NP3D isn't likely to be 
in PR).

If your call doesn't reflect where you are - at least on entity level - 
is worse off for it as mentioned by N6AA.

There is probably a reason why CQ WW has no rule on calls, but it might be
worth considering given how all these A/K/N/W-H/L/P calls increasingly are
being used elsewhere (where call is important - like WPX - there are such
rules; the combination of call & received zone are similar are determining if
something is a mult in CQ WW... I can't think of why ambiguity would be

73, VR2BrettGraham

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