Scott Redd K0DQ K0DQ at analog.org
Sun Oct 5 10:36:44 EDT 2003

Well, well, well. . . like a long delayed echo (LDE), now cometh Mighty

First to the formalities.

Team Redd (TR) hereby accepts the surrender of Neiger's Tigers (NT).  You
may keep your key.

Being a compassionate bunch, TR willing to provide resources for
reconstruction of NT, fully understanding the damages which can occur from
exposure to strong RF in the side lobes, UBN, et al.  This would include
counseling, medication etc for apparent paranoia and hallucinations as
indicated in below ranting.  Being a humble group, we are somewhat perplexed
by the alleged "haranguing" and locker-room whimsy but chalk it up to
various factors, such as incipient senility and prolonged isolation at sea
or on South Atlantic islands (both of which phenomena are not unknown to the

TR happy to grant a rematch to NT.  Only minor detail is that The Admiral
finds himself without a suitable flagship for November operations.  Should
that difficulty resolve, challenge will be happily accepted.  If not, NT may
consider this year a warm up to qualify for a future heavyweight
championship re-match.

Scott Redd
Vice Admiral, U. S. Navy (Retired)
Founder and former Commander, U.S. FIFTH Fleet

K0DQ / A92Q (for life) / P40Q / ZF2DQ

> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 21:20:09 -0700
> From: "James Neiger" <n6tj at sbcglobal.net>
> To: <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
> Message-ID: <PGECLIEKHBKFFAPEAGPEGEEKCCAA.n6tj at sbcglobal.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> 	charset="iso-8859-1"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Reply-To: n6tj at sbcglobal.net
> Message: 6
> Since losing the 2001 CQ WW CW Team Competition to the Admiral Redd K0dQ
> team, the N6TJ led team has quietly withdrawn from serious team
> Competition.
> And our team has subsequently been forced to endure two years of harangue
> from Redd, demanding our unconditional surrender.
> I hereby acknowledge that on that given weekend, Redd et al were the
> superior operators, and I yield my, uh, sword.
> What is not commonly known, however, is the fact that the Redd operators
> possess quick tempers, and they thought they were the masters of
> everything.
> Since the N6TJ operators were somewhat athletic themselves, if they beat
> Redd's men at a game, then they were quite upset and quite likely they
> wouldn't talk to us for a day or so.  Or else if you beat them very badly
> they would come cringing to you on their knees (like) bullies, having been
> very unpleasant to you beforehand.
> Shortly before the 2001 CW Contest, the N6TJ operators walked through the
> competition changing rooms to get ready.  All five of the Redd operators
> were lying flat on their backs on matresses, great giants, taking deep
> breaths.  It was all very impressive.  I was getting into my
> contesting togs
> when one of Redd's men cameup and spoke to me, or rather
> harangued me, for I
> had nochance to say anything.  He had been watching us prepare,
> he said, and
> could come to the conclusion that we were thoroughly representative of a
> decadent class of operators.  No Redd crew would dream of appearing so
> lackadaisical if operating on the Redd team, and that they would train and
> they would win.
> Losing this contest Team Competition might not appear very
> important to us,
> but I could rest assured that the Redd Team would not fail to notice and
> learn from our defeat.
> It has been perceived that N6TJ and his contemporaries are 'superficially
> selfish and egocentric', without any Holy Grail in which we could lose
> ourselves.  The 2001 Contest, however, by offering up an unmistakeable and
> worthwhile lesson, had now provided it.  Now the N6TJ team had the
> opportunity to demonstrate in action our dislike of organized emotion and
> boasting (ala Redd), the opportunity to prove to ourselves and the world
> that our effete veneer was not as deep as our dislike of interference, to
> prove that, undisciplined though we might be, we were a match for Redd's
> dogma-fed operators.
> THEREBY, LET IT BE KNOWN, Neiger's Tigers 2003 are challenging the Redd
> minions (whomever might still wish to be led by the Admiral) to a re-match
> in the upcoming CQ WW CW Team Competition.
> And, since we gave the DL's and OH's a chance to win for a
> change, they too
> might wish to join the free-for-all.  Fat chance, as we say........
> Oh, by the way, Neiger's Tigers will also try and be competitive
> in the  SSB
> chapter in a few weeks.  Name your poison, chumps ....er, champs.
> Respectfully offered,
> Jim Neiger   N6TJ

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