R: [CQ-Contest] Re: Partial Exchanges

Soro Roberto roberto.soro at sia.it
Mon Sep 8 16:32:27 EDT 2003


what did you submit in your cabrillo log?

did you  submit rs(t) + zone or only zone?

I presume you sent in you cabrillo right, so with
rs(t) + zone, so may be you failed twice:
-first at contest time not sending rs(t)
-at submission time, not submitting what was really sent.

Is this the reason why you weren't DQ'ed?

73 & cu in contest, whatever format you want.

Bob,I2WIJ (J49Z next CQWW SSB)

mailto:i2wij at qsl.net

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Paul O'Kane [mailto:paul at ei5di.com]
Inviato: domenica 7 settembre 2003 21.19
A: cq-contest
Oggetto: Re: [CQ-Contest] Re: Partial Exchanges

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Erik Holm" <sm2ekm at telia.com>

> In the CQWW rules it stipulates clearly that one
> has to exchange "RS/RST report plus zone".

I'm trying to draw attention to a specific aspect of the
rules which I believe is no longer relevant.

CQWW, and other major international contests, have not
kept up with the times with regard to the exchange of RST.
I well remember when you would expect to send and receive
a different value for RST in every contest QSO. That doesn't
happen now.

> Why not play by the rules? In this case you
> clearly should have been DQ´ed.

As I was not DQ'd, it seems that the rule is not enforced.

A rule that is not enforced is effectvely no more than a
recommendation - and this applies equally to any sport or
discipline you care to mention.

> If you start to bend
> the rules like this where will it end?

I expect it will end in the rule being updated to make the
exchange of RST optional.  What is the point, or where is
the merit or skill, in exchanging 59(9) in every contest
QSO?  And please don't say "it's in the rules".

We all know that RS(T) is not cross-checked in the major
contests and that all contest logging software defaults to
59(9) logged - both sent and received.  Therefore, saying
59 or sending 599 in every QSO is a pointless exercise -
apart from the fact that, at present, it's required by the

Paul EI5DI

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