[CQ-Contest] unique contacts and logging errors

Chuck discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 11 09:58:13 EDT 2003

Interesting reading all the posts and thoughts on
the unique QSO business.

One thought comes to mind..

Doesn't it strike anyone as a bit strange to
delete uniques as a rule rather than an

Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd? I mean it's
akin to being 'guilty until proven innocent'
rather than assuming 'innocent until proven

(of course, unlike the Court system of appeals,
there is NO recourse if the Sponsor chooses to
delete uniques. :-)  )

Wouldn't it be more productive to ASSUME a unique
is OK and not worry about it UNLESS some
convincing reason appears TO delete it?

Seems like that would save a WHOLE lot of effort
and let us focus on other things of greater


Chuck K3FT

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