[CQ-Contest] The Fish Are Ready!

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Sat Sep 13 09:59:38 EDT 2003

Salmon Run 2003 - Sep 20-21st

The fish are gathering in Puget Sound and the Columbia River, getting ready
for the Salmon Run next weekend.  Also known as the Washington State QSO
Party, the Salmon Run is a fun, friendly contest with a world-wide
following.  Best of all, prize winners
(http://www.wwdxc.org/salmonrun/2003prizes.htm) receive smoked salmon!

The Western Washington DX Club is pulling out all the stops to activate all
39 counties.  Check out the "Reserve a County" webpage
(http://www.wwdxc.org/salmonrun/2003reserve.htm) to find out who will be
active from where. (The list has a tendency to change in the last week
before the contest.) KD7WME will be active on 6-meters from Thurston County,
as well.

The Bonus Station, W7DX, will be manned as a multi-two operation from King
County by N6MZ and KD7PJC, so you will be able to pick up your bonus points
no matter what band or mode you choose to operate.

Hope to see you fishing for salmon next weekend!

73, Ward N0AX/7
Salmon Run Committee

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