[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Log Checking

Tree tree at kkn.net
Thu Sep 18 12:32:58 EDT 2003

> Actually, the first and second place scores were separated by something 
> closer to 27% - hence N0AX's "spanking" comment in the article.  The second 
> and third place scores were separated by 0.4%.  Third and fourth place were 
> separated by 0.9%.

Let's see - W2SC had 9000 QSOs and had 9 QSOs wrongly toseed by the checking
program - that is 0.1% - certainly significant.  However, there are probaly
50 busted calls in this log that were not tossed because of other issues
with the log check software.

However - the good thing about the current process is that ALL of the logs
are subjected to the same process.  We aren't looking at one log and throwing
out 9 QSOs, without doing the same thing to the competiting logs and making 
the same dumb mistake.  Also, the same limitaitons that prevent throwing out
more contacts are applied to the other logs as well.

The ARRL DX contest is a big challenge to check with automated tools because
of the low "quality" of the exchange.  In the SS or Sprint, if you bust a 
call, there is a lot more information available to help the software program
figure out what the correct call is.  In the ARRL DX contest, you might have
599 KW as your only clue...  harldly useful in narrowing down the scope of
possible candidates.

The FIRST requirement of a log checking process from my perspective is that 
it get the final order of finish "right".  I do spend some time looking over
close finishes to make sure the wrong decision isn't being made.  

The SECOND reqirement should be for the process to be applied equally to 
all of the logs.

We are meeting both of these requirements today.  We have never meet them
before computerized log checking.

The THIRD requirement - the last in the prioirity - is to have an absolute
correct score.

Personally, I am close to just tossing in the towel in the ARRL DX.  It just
isn't worth the grief.  As long as people are willing to insist on #3 being
all perfect in the contests, there just isn't much I can do to make you happy.

Perhaps if I resign, somoene who is complaining about this will step in and
get it right.  I am *SURE* they will be able to make y'all happier.

Think about the big picture here people.  

73 Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

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