[CQ-Contest] Aluminum Towers (Tower Survey)

Bruce Sawyer n6nt at arrl.net
Thu Sep 25 09:35:34 EDT 2003

After reading the testimonial from N0WY on his aluminum Universal Towers
15-50, I was intrigued at reading some of the spec sheets on this series of
towers.  (See http://www.texastowers.com/b30.htm, for example.)  I wonder,
however, if anybody here has had experience with aluminum towers in a
tropical, seaside setting?  How well does unanodized aluminum stand up to
persistent salt spray in a high-humidity, warm-temperature setting?  I can
tell you from experience that Rohn 45G does NOT do well in that setting!  I
have a 45G tower that is about 4 years old now and doesn't look like it's
going to last longer than another 4 years unless I start taking aggressive
action to protect it.  I know W2GD paints his tower at least once a year on
P4, and I've heard Jacky paints his twice a year.  Plus, the story has made
the rounds that Jacky has been trying to devise an automatic sprinkler
system to wash the salt spray off his tower.  Would an aluminum tower avoid
all that grief, or would it be even worse than galvanized steel?

Bruce, N6NT/ZF2NT

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