[CQ-Contest] LoTW Usage - Will you use it???

Ed Parish K1EP k1ep at arrl.net
Mon Sep 29 07:16:45 EDT 2003

Doesn't it make sense that the ARRL should enter contest logs into LoTW?  After all, they can verify QSOs by cross checking the logs of many of the participants.  If they consider the post-UBN logs as good enough for publication and awards, then wouldn't those logs be better than the raw logs kept by the individuals to be submitted to LoTW?  Then, you would just have to upload non-contest logs or maybe non-ARRL contest logs.  Of course, maybe there would have to be cooperation between other contest sponsors (e.g. CQ) that electronically cross check their logs, so that they could massively update LoTW.  

At 9/28/03 08:48 PM, Robert McGwier wrote:
>You can put the signed log/ certified log on the CD-ROM.
>All they need then is your public key.  If I got this
>wrong, somebody shout at me but I always uploaded SIGNED
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
>[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Darryl Wagoner
>Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 4:45 PM
>To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] LoTW Usage - Will you use it???
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Another choice would be to e-mail your zipped ADIF file and 
>> cert to a trusted person who has broadband or can stand the 
>> dial-up time. Basically, this person will be acting as your 
>> LoTW QSL Manager. 
>Ah, that won't work unless you also send them the private key.
>Which I think is a very bad idea.  I think it would be better
>to send a CD with the signed log to a friend or someone else
>willing to upload the data.
>Also maybe ARRL would consider setting up a signing server
>where the private key is kept encrypted and the owner could
>upload unsigned QSO and the server would sign them using the
>the private once the owner has provide their private key password.
>good luck & 73
>-darryl WA1GON

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