Phillip Landmeier felipe at conexion.com
Sun Apr 4 17:39:06 EDT 2004

Hi Bill,

You could well be right. This happens on 15 and 10 meters, apparently 
due to ionospheric "tilting" that causes so-called one-way skip. But 
this was on 20M where the phenomenon is rarer but not impossible.

He may have had local interference. Who knows? But the image of a 
4CX10000A sitting in a cabinet next to him did cross my mind ;-)

Phil, KW2P

On 4 Apr 2004 at 8:56, Bill Turner wrote:

> On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 23:29:00 -0500, Phillip Landmeier wrote:
> >This guy kept on calling like I didn't even 
> >exist. I came back to his frequency every few minutes for a while and 
> >then gave up. What's up with that?
> _________________________________________________________
> I run 1.5 kW in RTTY contests and this happens to me all the time.
> Stations call me that I can just barely tell are there.  Obviously they
> are hearing me but not vice versa.  Has nothing to do with illegal
> power.
> --
> Bill, W6WRT
> QSLs via LoTW

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