[CQ-Contest] HS on WARC Bands

Dallas and Lucy ludal at dmv.com
Wed Apr 7 08:10:32 EDT 2004

Just received this note from President of RAST.  Could someone pass to the
DX reflector.

73  Dallas W3PP

We have received good news from PTD today. We have received permission for
an amazing operation which will start in about one week's time, which will
continue until the end of the year.

RAST applied for a special licence to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen's 72nd
Birthday - Call sign HS72B. At the same time we asked if we could use WARC
bands in view of this very special occasion. The administration has agreed.
The use of the this licence and this call-sign has to be strictly controlled
by RAST, and will not be available for general use. The first event will be
an operation from Koh Chang Island AS125, in about a week's time and will be
followed by operations from the new club station HS0AC and for use by SEANET
Control, and the SEANET convention in November. There will be one QSL
Manager for all HS72B operations and this will be announced soon. Details of
the Koh Chang AS 125 operation will be announced very soon.

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