[CQ-Contest] SteppIR 4 Element Yagi - Analysis and Thoughts

Dan Levin djl at andlev.com
Mon Apr 12 19:23:01 EDT 2004

I've been thinking hard about the new SteppIR 4 element yagi
for my station in Boonville.  I did a bit of quick analysis
of the antenna, and wrote it up on my website.  If you have
any interest, go to http://www.k6if.com/ and click on the
link to the article.

Executive Summary:  The SteppIR 4 element yagi on a 32 foot
boom is a very attractive alternative for contesters looking
for a high performance tri-band yagi.  Performance is
excellent on 10 and 15 meters, and quite good on 20 meters
as well.  The only downsides are the price (which is high)
and the possibility of mechanical issues with the variable
length elements.

Best 73,

                  ***dan, K6IF

Remember the California QSO Party, in October!

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