[CQ-Contest] SP DX Contest - postcontest info - loggers problem

SP5UAF tomek at sp5zcc.waw.pl
Wed Apr 14 18:03:09 EDT 2004

Hello again,

The SP DX Contest Cabrillo specification is not a part of the SP DX
Contest rules. It can be found in other place of the contest WWW.

I can't agree with everything what you said. In my opinion if
something is a part of the contest exchange it is quite usual that it
must also be listed in the file generated by the contest software.
Does not matter in which columns it is listed.

We have converters but for WriteLog only now, a logger especially for
SP DX Contest, postcontest tools etc. EI5DI or N1MM logger generate
files which are some different from what we suggested on the SP DX
Contest WWW. But the files have complete contest exchange info.

You are right we could make it better. We will next year. Thanks again
for all comments and valuable suggestions.


IS>     Tom, Cabrillo is the standart. You can call your format ""Cabrillo -
IS> like"" but not Cabrillo.
IS> Contacting all the software authors is not a
IS> correct way of doing it. When SPDX is on the Cabrillo site all the software
IS> authors will automatically implement Cabrillo for SPDX as it is described in
IS> the standart.
IS> Rules of the SPDX contest do not specify what needs to be in the log. Rules
IS> say:

IS> ""Electronic logs in the Cabrillo format should be sent to:
IS>    <spdxc-logs at pzk.org.pl>
IS> The Cabrillo log should be attached as a file, with your callsign in the
IS> "Subject:" line of the e-mail.

IS> TRlog for instance makes some sort of Cabrillo-like file for SPDX and that
IS> is what all the users send thinking it is what contest sponsors require. If
IS> you deside to implement your own format for the log the best way to sort it
IS> out would be to offer converter programs for all the major contest software.
IS> Still better get in touch with Trey and agree with him the specs for the
IS> Cabrillo file for SPDX. Cabrillo V.3 is just being developed and hopefully
IS> you will have this problem solved for the next year contest.

IS> 73, Igor UA9CDC

>> Hello Igor,
>> Thanks for your comments.
>> You are right - there is no SP DX Contest Cabrillo specification on
>> at http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/. There are much more contests
>> that have Cabrillo files but formats are not listed there also.
>> SP DX Contest Cabrillo is listed on the SP DX Contest page
>> http://www.contest.spdxc.org.pl/.
>> However - no matter if the log file is Cabrillo or not Cabrillo one -
>> it must containg full information: callsigns, UTC, band, mode,
>> exchange sent and exchange received.
>> Of course for us, for the Contest Committee, it means that we must
>> contact the authors of the available contest software and end them our
>> suggestions.

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