[CQ-Contest] Does packet spotting really helps rate that much????

Larry Schimelpfenig k7sv at adelphia.net
Fri Apr 16 09:26:33 EDT 2004

VE5ZX's analysis of CT1BOH's example seems to indicate that spotting did
help, although perhaps not as much as one might expect. It goes without
saying that Jose's example from P40 is just one small snapshot taken of one
of thousands of greatly varying situations in that one contest. Just as an
example, knowing that Jose is a sure bet six bander, how many serious
contesters are going to respond to a packet spot  for him if it's not late
in the contest? (I know there are the folks making serious assisted efforts
and vacuuming the bands of anything spotted)  How does that change when an
elusive ZS8MI shows up on some band?

Having operated under packet from several Multis, my experience indicates
that getting spotted does make a difference and it's not always positive!

73 de Larry K7SV

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