[CQ-Contest] Factors Affecting Scoring

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Wed Dec 1 10:58:52 EST 2004

In a message dated 11/29/2004 8:37:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
radiosporting at yahoo.com writes:

Factors affecting scoring are (if someone hasn't figured it out yet :-)

Biggest, baddest, most efficient antenna system. Able to transmit the big 
signal everywhere, able to selectively receive from different direction (for best 
S/N/QRM ratio)

Two (3, 4 ..) best, baddest rig setups with effective controls. (Or one 
Spare setup idling by, wired in for quick switchover. 

For single OP - one sharp, fast, smart, enduring operator, who knows the 
bands, propagation and can split his personality between the rigs.

To get the better picture, one can study results of past contests and 
records, check what the winners are using, and learn, learn, learn, rather than 
bitch, bitch, bitch about unfair categories. 

Oh and you have to be nuts to sit 48 hrs in a chair and five-nine-something 
at no end and then wait 9 months for the birth of the results. We do, and we 
love every minute of it (especially when condx suck :-)

>>Your input may be used to create a "contest for the 21st Century".<<

There is one already, just needs promotion and participation. 
any constructive comments, suggestions or trophy sponsors?

Yuri, K3BU.us

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