[CQ-Contest] RE: Here we go again

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Wed Dec 1 22:10:08 EST 2004

In a message dated 12/1/2004 9:04:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
W2RU at frontiernet.net writes:
>>And don't give me the same tired old baloney about how you can get the full 
listings on the web.  Web data has the permanence of snow in Florida.  
There's nothing like opening up a good ol' "hard copy" magazine and seeing your call 
in print -- even when it's for a measly four or five QSOs.  I know -- I've 
been there a lot.<<

Maybe time to stay away from one run (strike) and "save" ARRL even mo'mony by 
not having to write about the "crummy" contests at all? Don't you guys enjoy 
picture of the tribander on a parking lot instead?

Don't you guys love to look through 1950 something contest result listings 
and see how you started, way down on the bottom? I do, especially if there was a 
picture of that young, lean, mean, contest nut.

In the ARRL "wisdom", maybe we should put everything on the web or hard drive 
and then have it crash and wipe out the history of the mankind :-)(

Yuri, K3BU.us

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