[CQ-Contest] The use of one callsign

Ken Widelitz widelitz at gte.net
Thu Dec 2 15:17:18 EST 2004

Thank you to Bob and the rest of the CQWWCC. I know the job is unpaid and
requires an enormous amount of work. The results of the work are such that
CQWW is generally considered the MAJOR major contest of the year. Having
said that, I found your post most curious.

I'm curious as to why having to use A6/XXXX would create  "extraordinary

I'm curious as to what requests have been deemed unreasonable and why.

I'm curious as to why the rules make no mention that one may "petition for a
waiver" yet some in the know seem to know that such tactics are available.

Curiosity killed the cat - flame suit on.

73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT

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