[CQ-Contest] RE: CN2KM - Anyone know the op?

dennis o'connor k8do at mailblocks.com
Thu Dec 2 09:11:09 EST 2004

Jim, my pleasure to work you on 20 before the contest... I did an 80M 
single band push, so didn't get a chance to log you during the 
contest... Anyway, the ease of going in and out of spilt frequency on 
these modern rigs can be a hazard when you are tired... I got caught 
during the contest also... Couldn't understand why the DX station 
wouldn't come back to me - nice and strong, no one else calling - until 
my tired eyes finally noticed the red light on the second vfo which was 
transmitting way up the band from the receiver...

OTOH, moving your transmit along with your receive is one way of 
controlling a pile up :)

Cheers  ...  Denny k8do

Yes I made a misstake. Was tired and tought I had
the radio in split.

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