[CQ-Contest] QST...A radical thought?

Warren C. Stankiewicz nf1j at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 4 19:44:12 EST 2004

> So much for my idea.  The league has spoken.

Uh, they're not the League. You are. They're supposed to listen to you, not
the other way around. When your directors and vice directors come up for
election, mobilize and vote.

That's where clubs can be so powerful.

>> My idea was met with, uh...less than a positive thought...not a good
> the advertisers won't like it, too hard to implement, we don't have the
> computer  resources etc..

The first sign of sure death in any company is when they go from thinking
"Why can't we do that?" to "Why, we can't do that!" Move, walk, run, or get
out of the way.

Bottom line is they didn't listen to you, didn't care what you had to say,
especially since it conflicted with their own point of view, and aren't
interested in exploring any possibilities beyond what they've already
determined is the best for you. If this was any other sort of company,
they'd have no customers by now.

Boy, that attitude really makes my blood boil.


Warren, NF1J
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Cqtestk4xs at aol.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QST...A radical thought?

> I spoke with two of the reps from the ARRL today at the Tampa Bay Hamfest
> and mentioned my idea about the possible on-line delivery of QST.  I also
> mentioned that this would allow addtional lines scores, traffic handling
info  and
> all the other goodies the elague doesn't have space for.  I also
> how it might be a money saver not having to print and mail.
> My idea was met with, uh...less than a positive thought...not a good idea,
> the advertisers won't like it, too hard to implement, we don't have the
> computer  resources etc..  I was also informed again that contesters are
not a
> signicant focus for the ARRL and that the focus of the boys in Newington
is the
> guys who are the no-code techs, and the boys who frequent two meters.
They  are
> the majority of the ham population.  The DXers and contesters are a  small
> minority of the entire ham population
> So much for my idea.  The league has spoken.  I will continue to  support
> ARRL, but it is a shame the two officials I spoke to have this  attitude.
> Bill K4XS
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