[CQ-Contest] Signing /QRP In Contests

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mts.net
Sun Dec 5 17:22:40 EST 2004

Here's what almost always happens to me copying a weak signal unnecessarily
signing /QRP when S&Ping.

me: ...VE4XT test
QRP: K<static>3<static>/<static>
me: K3?
QRP: KB<static>A<static>/<static>
me: KB3A?
QRP: <static>B3A<static>RP
me: KB3ARP, 599 04
QRP: de K<static>RP
me: KA3ARP 599 04
QRP: de KB<static>BC/<static>
me: KB3ABC/?
me: KB3ABC/R? ?

you get the idea.

Complete waste of time to add totally unnecessary characters, particularly
if you KNOW you're not going to be Q5 copy. It's just going to throw the
other guy off and make him think there's actually something meaningful
behind the portable designator.

CQing stations can do what they want, but if you're loud enough to CQ...

Be that as it may, Pete might be right about /QRP being worth a few dB in
added effort by receiving stations.

73, kelly
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Hilding" <dx35 at hilding.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Cc: <k9la at arrl.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 2:58 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Signing /QRP In Contests

> [SIGH...]
> While I admire those who take on the challenge of 5w in a DX contest (or
> any other NON-QRP-Specific) event, these are my observations (and
> FRUSTRATIONS) of working stations that sign "callsign/QRP" instead of just
> their calls...especially in the ARRL CW DX Contest as DX in February and
> most recently in last weekend's 160m contest:
> *** ADVANTAGES:         Absolutely NONE
> *** DISADVANTAGES:      MANY (below)
> 1. The QSOs take longer regardless of signal strength because each side of
> the exchange has to send 4 UN-NECESSARY additional characters.
> 2. If the QRP op's signal is weak, in QRM that means more UN-NECESSARY
> frustration and wasted time for the receiving op.
> 3. More UN-NECESSARY characters to type on the keyboard increases the
> possibilities of missssssstyping errors.
> 4. For those using TRlog with the Auto Send Character Count set to 5 (and
> certainly 4), the #&^! (and UN-NECESSARY) "/QRP" extension is the
> [explicative deleted].
> 1. Making more QSOs and working more Mults in the allowed time is (or
> should be) everyone's goal.
> 2. No one really cares (especially DX stations) if you are QRP.
> 3. No one really cares (especially DX stations) if you are QRP.
> 4. No one really cares (especially DX stations) if you are QRP.
> (Redundancy intentional)
> I've operated 5w in several "Spartan Sprint" events, but don't recall
> anyone there every signing "/QRP".  Interesting.
> IMHO, DX Contest Organizers (even for the SS) should include the following
> in published rules:
> "QRP stations are encouraged NOT to add "/QRP" to their callsigns, because
> this serves no purpose other than to slow down everyone's QSO per hour
> rates, increase errors and the bottom line (especially for DX stations) is
> that nobody really cares during the contest."
> 73...
> Rick, K6VVA
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