[CQ-Contest] Signing /QRP In Contests

Dale Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Sun Dec 5 21:53:00 EST 2004

> In my limited experience, the main reason they use /QRP is to get
> you to log
> them that way. They are not trying to maximize points, they are
> working on
> QRP operating awards, and want a QSL from you that says /QRP.
> IMHO, the greatest pool of operators in most contests is not the
> hard-core
> contest op, but the awards seekers. My stuffed mailbox after
> every contest
> is a testament to that!

What award requires such a thing?

Sounds like that's an award not worth having if the sponsor has so little
trust and faith about whether the op was QRP becasue /QRP is not appended to
his call in the submitted QSL's.   Pity....

On the other hand, I can recall getting a W5RRR card back (I'm the W5RRR QSL
Manager) from an op because I put SSB in the MODE box instead of A3J.  Go

dale, kg5u

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