[CQ-Contest] one call sign

i4jmy i4jmy.mauri at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 09:38:21 EST 2004

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 14:21:31 +0200, Timo Klimoff
<timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net> wrote:

> Current rules allow to work other bands (by sending other bands  as a check
> log) during the single band entry but they don't allow to use same call in
> the several single band categories (except as we have learned now by asking
> permission from committee).
> (both of these are 100% because I have seen CQWW contest committee writing
> about these points of rules)
> Just to make this clearer ...

Do qsos made on different bands give direct and indirect helps when
the used call is the same?

If the answer is Yes, then the permission to work other bands is only
a virtual permission and basic rule is anyway broken.
If the answer is no, then the prohibition of multiple single ops
doesn't appear to have a great logic if operators do not help each
other directly.

Rules are best, and easyier to be understood when simple like a "yes"
or a "no", quite complex when some "if" is included.
Rules are uncertain when behaviour is left to own discrection because
in such case the rule becomes finally subjective.

To decide if qsos on other bands help or do not help the sb effort is
left to person's mind rather than the external world, and we won't
find ever any solution.
At least, a rule which says multiple sb is not allowed is no way
subjective, but it seems we have also to front exceptions.

What a difficult world!

Mauri I4JMY

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