[CQ-Contest] Awesome Morse Trainer

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Thu Dec 9 10:17:55 EST 2004

Alex, VE3NEA wrote:

 > What do you guys think about this? Am I missing something?

Fantastic program, Alex, but as I wrote in the email to you, not being able 
to correct a mistake is a bit frustrating.  But is it really a 
"mistake"...when the other station finishes sending the exchange and I'm 
trying to QRQ the whole process, only to then (after a short pause) hear 
"dit dit..dit dit"...or something like that and then a corrected 
number...*after* I've already QRQ entered the QSO?  In other words, if I'm 
faster at entering a QSO than the other (automated) station is at realizing 
he has sent me the wrong serial number, should I be penalized...even though 
I *WANT* to make the correction???

As I also mentioned, having AutoCQ would *really* be cool (AND save wear & 
tear on my F1 and/or Enter key(s) and reduce carpal tunnel during 
"practice" :-)  Having the ability to vary the delay time between CQs would 
be very nice.

BTW, as a pseudo programmer, I really think you've done a very nice job on 
the overall GUI as well.  Impressive!

Umh, one person asked if the Run drop-down could remain in place.  Why not 
indicate the Run mode (i.e., Display it) above the 00:00:00 time 
counter?  It appears there is room to slightly shift the other stuff 
up.  Maybe even display the Competition mode in "Red" (a very aggressive 

In the Help | About dialog box, typically this is where a software Version 
# shows.  I encourage you to include a Version #.  That will make it easier 
for guys to know if they should download a new  upgrade version somewhere 
down the line.  Also, duping the Version # at the far right of the main 
window File | Run | Send | Help line would eliminate two mouse clicks for 
users and give instant access to the version number when the program itself 
is opened.

Miniscule, but if you put the URL of the download page in the Help | About 
dialog box as a clickable link (as well as at the right of the File | Run | 
Send | Help line), users could expeditiously access your website to check 
for any new versions :-)

Hope this helps.


Rick, K6VVA

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