[CQ-Contest] The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge IX

Lew Lew at dsl-only.net
Tue Dec 14 23:06:36 EST 2004

      Only a few short days and nights remain until the ninth running
of the Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur 
Radio Club. Utilizing 14 hours out of the contest period from 1500Z 18 
Dec to 1500Z 19 Dec will be a great break from the hurry, hustle, 
haranguing and hoopla of the holidays. To peruse the Official Rules of 
this Top Rung Contest on the Top Band cruise to the web site below:


      The above web page will answer your questions in more detail and
will give you sense of what this grand TopBand contest is all about.
      The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge is unique in that the prizes or
plaques are determined by the radio combatants themselves. Almost any
category, set of working conditions, QTH or other requirement may be
used to set forth a plaque to stimulate or commemorate the action during
the contest. The Executive Contest Committee of The Boring Amateur Radio
Club reserves the right to ensure that most of the categories sponsored
are of at least marginal value to somebody, somewhere in the 160M
universe. A simple check of $50 to the Club at my CBA will insure your
sponsorship, engraved forever on the awarded plaque, of whatever
category you'd like to see emphasized.
      Several 160M Stalwarts have already jumped into the fray and have
sponsored the following categories. Why don't you conjure up an
appropriate category and join these far seeing and far reaching Ops?
Donor                                             Category
KL7RA                    Top QSO Total
WA2DFI                   Top Score Single Op VE
W7EW                     Best DX distance
K7RAT                    Top Score Multi-Op World
N5IA                     Most Grid Squares Worked
N7KQ                     Top Score-Low power, Rest of World
N9ADG                    Top Score West Washington- Low Power
K1PX                     Top Score EU- Low Power
K5KA                     Top Score US/VE Low Power
K8ND                     Top Score S/O Caribbean
W7GG                     Top Score S/O QRP
KB5NJD                   Top Score-Ant < 40' or 13m tall
KI7Y                     W7BX Memorial- Top Score JA
K9DX                     Top Score Hi-Power- Europe
N7JW                     Top Score Asia except JA
K7CA                     Top Score Mainland South America
W2GD Team                Top Score Multi-op Europe
N6ZFO                    SPACE-Stew Perry Award for Chemical Elements
            (Points for chemical element symbols in calls in log) 

VK6VZ                    The VK5AX Small Backyard Memorial- Top Score
            wid antenna in space < 20m x 10m or 66ft x 33ft.  Winner gets
coveted Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia hat

      If you communicate with any of these fine plaque sponsors, please 
congratulate them upon their good sense to participate fully in the Stew 
Perry experience.
      As an added inducement there will be Official certificates 
available to contesters who are turning in their first ever log while 
scoring over 1000 points. We want to recognize the new players to the 
Top Band and their efforts. So even if you're an old player who doesn't 
send in logs...score > 1000 points + turn in your first log to us and 
you'll get a really cool certificate that'll look great on the wall or 
convince the spouse that you were really contesting  Saturday night.
      New plaque categories are coming frequently as enlightenment 
happens. The above list is a testimony to that. If you have such an 
epiphany just e-mail me promptly and that category to recognize people, 
efforts or situations will be yours.
      There will be most likely 1 more update on the sponsor list right 
before the starting gun this weekend.
      73 and I remain,
      Lew   w7ew/w7at
      The Boring Amateur Radio Club

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