[CQ-Contest] Logging Software Stats

VE5ZX ve5zx at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 17 16:27:45 EST 2004

> I thought people might be interested in the latest logging software stats,
> from the World HF Contest Station Database.  These are based on records
> updated on or after January 1, 2002

Pete, those numbers are very interesting!

They correlate closely with the results from the June, 2004 contesting.com

Here is a table that compares your findings with the survey

Writelog  444   33%   472   35%
CT          381   28%   326   24%
N1MM   264   20%   346   25%
TR Log   258   19%   214   16%

Total     1347            1358

CU in the RAC

Sylvan Katz - VE5ZX
Saskatoon, SK

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