[CQ-Contest] Files wanted for SCP database

Randy Thompson, K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Mon Dec 20 07:53:57 EST 2004

Since we are the holiday break between the Fall and Spring contest seasons,
please find the time to send in your Cabrillo format logs for inclusion in
the Super Check Partial database. I am looking for logs from any of the
following 2004 contests:
 CQ WW DX - CW, Phone, RTTY
 CQ WPX - CW, Phone, RTTY
 CQ 160M - CW, Phone
 ARRL DX - CW, Phone
 ARRL Sweepstakes - CW, Phone
 ARRL RTTY Roundup
 ARRL 160M
 IARU Radiosport
 Russian DX Contest
 Worked All Europe - CW, Phone, RTTY

Send logs to k5zd at contesting.com.

Especially need more SSB logs.  This is where the most new calls appear.
For some reason, I receive more CW logs than Phone!

More information on Super Check Partial is available at

Season's greetings and best wishes for contest success in 2005!

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at contesting.com

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