[CQ-Contest] Re: contest expedition crates

Dennis Ashworth k7fl at arrl.net
Sun Feb 1 14:12:35 EST 2004

I can share the same experience as Jim and Zig ... I too packed by 
Vibroplex key paddles in my carry and attracted the TSA attention. The 
inspector, after cautiously removing the item from my bag got a big grin on 
his face and said ... gee, I haven't seen one of these since 'nam. Turns 
out he was a military radio op in the mid 60's. I was sent on my way with a 

You're right Randy ... the Xray image is fantastic.

Dennis, K7FL


At 12:41 PM 2/1/2004, you wrote:
>I suspect the reactions are because it has a fantastic Xray image!  And it
>doesn't make any sense when you try to explain it.  :)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> > [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jan Erik Holm
> > Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 17:58 PM
> > To: cq-contest
> > Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Re: contest expedition crates
> >
> >
> > Funny, same thing with me when I flew to CT3 last year for
> > the WW CW.
> > The security check at Stockholm airport sure was woundering
> > about my Bencher I had in the carry on bag, did explain
> > to him what it was but he still looked like a big questionmark.
> > Bencher paddles sure are strange things!!! Well, he did
> > let me pass but I sure got a strange look.
> >
> > 73 Jim SM2EKM
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > KM9M-ZIG at comcast.net wrote:
> >
> > > I flew A/A in Oct 2003 to Antigua.  The only problem I had at
> > EVERY security check point from Chicago on was with my Bencher
> > Paddles in my carry-on.  They brought much scrutiny.  So much on
> > the return flight customs stop in San Juan, they were
> > photographed, swapped and checked for explosives, plus I was
> > given a very thorough search... shoes off, wand, etc. That was
> > security.  The custom folks on V2 were real interested in the paddles too.
> > >
> > > Moral of the story: If at all possible, check the HAM gear!
> > And keep in the weight/dimensions/ # of pcs and you'll do just
> > fine.  I'm going back twice via this March.
> > >
> > > Good luck and 73,
> > > Zig KM9M (V26CW)
> > >
> > >>> I can't get a real straight answer out of Customs, the TSA or the
> > >>
> > >>airline.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>>What have been your experiences lately flying American Airlines to the
> > >>>Caribbean?
> > >>
> > >>Mark,
> > >>
> > >>As you know, TSA reserves the right to inspect any checked bag.  If it's
> > >>locked and they don't have a master key etc, they will break
> > the lock and/or
> > >>bag.  It might be a bit much to ask TSA to carefully unpack
> > your equipment.
> > >>Though they might call you in the back room if there are
> > problems... even
> > >>before 9/11, I once got stopped when they couldnt figure out
> > what all the
> > >>aluminum tubes were for.  Maybe they thought it was centrifuge
> > materials?
> > >>Ha!
> > >>
> > >>As for bags, the 6Y and HC8 teams and many others use Pelican 1650 cases
> > >>when ever possible.  I have some background info on my
> > DXholiday.com website
> > >>at:
> > >>http://www.dxholiday.com/dxresources.htm#equipmenttips
> > >>
> > >>AA is OK with bags, but most airlines have reduced the weight of the
> > >>allowable baggage.  For overweight and excess bags, you pay at
> > lower weights
> > >
> > >
> > >>and more $$ than before.  If you are using 2 different airlines
> > to get to
> > >>your destination, most airlines now have costsharing agreements
> > where the
> > >>first airline will charge you excess weight for BOTH airlines.
> >  Of course
> > >>they will both hit you up on your return.  If you use one
> > airline for the
> > >>trip, you only get charged once, regardless of the number of
> > legs to your
> > >>destination.
> > >>
> > >>Real-life TSA Experience:  On the inside lid of my suitcase, I
> > always put a
> > >>copy of my license, and a note to the TSA letting them know I;ve got ham
> > >>radio equipment inside.  On the return trip from 6Y in Nov,
> > here's what was
> > >>written on a TSA slip inside my bag:  "Dear Kenny, Thanks for
> > the warning.
> > >>We are still going to go through your bag and mess everything
> > up.  Signed,
> > >>A. Lead".
> > >>
> > >>Kenny K2KW
> > >>
> > >>
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