[CQ-Contest] Sprint SSB Audio

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Thu Feb 5 00:00:09 EST 2004

Yes, that portable zero of whom you speak was clearly in the "3rd hour"
of the Sprint. I have been know to behave similarly starting around
0230 UTC. Fortunately, the press is not around to cover my in-shack
antics :):)

73 de Mike, W4EF..........................................

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj at tampabay.rr.com>

> I think I heard part of it on the network news immediately after the
> Iowa Democratic primaries, it was some guy form New England portable zero
> All I remember was the multiplier part, sounded like he was begging for
> mults....
> K4OJ

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