[CQ-Contest] Feb 04 QST op-ed article

Tom Horton k5iid at ntelos.net
Fri Feb 6 00:56:39 EST 2004

At 04:13 02/05/04, Bill Coleman wrote:
>He starts off trying to sound so balanced, that he does both nets and 
>contests. A quick web search on NF5B shows lots of hits about 
>traffic-handling and other net-related activities, but zero on contests. 
>Of course, he never sent in a log, so his call won't show up in the results.

NF5B also does not show up on any of my contest databases. So I would say
he hasn't been very active in contest from that respect either.
   Tom K5IID
"E"  Sorter for the ARRL W5 QSL Bureau
Williamstown, WV 

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