[CQ-Contest] Bad Sprint Ideas

Lee Hiers aa4ga at contesting.com
Wed Feb 11 20:38:14 EST 2004

On 11 Feb 2004 at 17:59, Bill Fisher, W4AN wrote:

> #4:  Phone Sprint
> Dumb contest.  No, wait.  Dumbest contest.
> Maybe if it were moved to 15m/20m/40m, and earlier in the day.  Otherwise,
> too disruptive.  And, if a contester thinks a contest is too disruptive,
> what do you think the non-contesters think?

I thought I was the only one who thought this...that's 
likely the main reason I don't operate it.  That, and the 
QSY rule really sucks on SSB...

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Cornelia, Georgia

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