[CQ-Contest] Re: [FCG] K4OJ SK

N4KM at aol.com N4KM at aol.com
Thu Feb 12 20:23:42 EST 2004

Teresa, Ellen, family and friends of Jim White K4OJ,

I really don't even know where to begin with this e-mail. Jim was such a 
great guy and a wonderful friend, I have so many stories, but I will try to keep 
it to one or two. 

Back in 1999 when my wife and I decided to move to Florida, I was talking to 
Vic K9UIY through a series of e-mails telling him of our plans and so forth. 
One of the first things that he said when he found out the area we were moving 
to was that I had to make sure and contact the Whites (K4OJ, W1CW, and W1YL) 
as soon as I got settled. Even before I really got settled I got a call at work 
on day and the voice on the other end said KS9O this is K4OJ welcome to 
Florida! Jim and I spent the next hour or so talking about contesting and the 
really neat thing was, Jim and I had never met me, but he said "Hey, FQP is coming 
up in about a month, I am looking for someone to go mobile with. How about we 
do it together?" Little did I know what I was getting myself into. Jim and I 
became the fastest and best friends that weekend. 
I don't think I have ever became friends with anyone that quick. Over the 
next almost 5 years Jim and I operated 4 FQP's mobile, and just about every other 
major cw contest I was involved in a multi at the White's. Also numerous 
antenna projects and shack building and changing, rearranging and mostly 
improving. I learned so much from Jim that I will never be able to repay. I could have 
never asked for a better friend.
Jim had the ability to light up a room, and before long he would have 
everyone in the room laughing. He added to much to our hobby of ham radio and 
especially contesting. We are so much the better for having had him in our ranks.
Somehow I imagine Jim and Bob (W1CW) are right now designing antennas in 
heaven and trying to get the best signal out. I am sure Bob was waiting for Jim so 
they could continue the work on the antennas that were started here.  
Jim my friend I am going to miss you more than I can imagine. Thanks for the 
good times. It is really going to be hard to think of anything to do with 
hamradio without thinking of you. There really is a hole in my heart this evening. 
73 my friend, I will do a multi with you again one day,
Kevin N4KM

In a message dated 2/12/04 3:30:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
w1yl at tampabay.rr.com writes:
Dear friends:

In September of 2002 K4OJ sat at this computer and wrote a poignant obituary 
honoring his father, W1CW, who had died that very morning.

On this afternoon of February 12, 2004, it is my reluctant turn to sit here 
and tell you that Jim did not survive yesterday's surgery.  He left us about 
11:30 a.m. this morning following liver failure after the somewhat risky heart 
valve replacement.

Just this past weekend he had a tremendous time operating the FOC Marathon 
and producing a splendid accounting of himself.  This was just one more 
achievement during his lifetime of fun in and service to Amateur Radio and, in 
particular, the Florida Contest Group of which he was the first president.  His 
operating abilities were manifest and he almost always the first one to volunteer 
his help, in spite of his declining physical abilities.

I know many of you will share my loss.

Ellen, W1YL/4 "ln"

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