[CQ-Contest] Re: [FCG] K4OJ SK
Paul Newberry
paulnewberry at myexcel.com
Thu Feb 12 22:21:27 EST 2004
Hi Ellen:
I am so sorry about Jim and I really don't know what else to say right now.
I've never met you I don't think
but I had met Bob on several occasions. As I sit here tonight, still not
wanting to believe your email, I have
some very good pictures in my mind of those now so few times that Jim and I
were able spend together.
The one that stands out in my mind the most is when Dan and Jim came over to
the hamfest a couple of
years ago and spent Saturday night at my home on St.George. I don't think we
got a lot of sleep but we
sure told a lot of stories about everything and everybody. After they had
left on Sunday, I found a FCG
K4OJ QSL card where Jim had left me a thank you note on the back. It is on
my dresser in my bedroom
where it will remain....
I know that you have suffered not one but two tremendous losses in a short
period of time. I'm sure you
know that as many have stated in emails today, that the two of them are
plotting something and I'm
sure that I'll hear W1CW and K4OJ next weekend in the ARRL Contest beating
me to a new multiplier.
Believe me - I won't mind a bit.
I wish you all the best and may God lay His gentle hand on your shoulder
73, Paul, N4PN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ellen White, W1YL" <w1yl at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <foc_members at yahoogroups.com>; "FCG" <FCG at kkn.net>;
<CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 3:28 PM
Subject: [FCG] K4OJ SK
Dear friends:
In September of 2002 K4OJ sat at this computer and wrote a poignant obituary
honoring his father, W1CW, who had died that very morning.
On this afternoon of February 12, 2004, it is my reluctant turn to sit here
and tell you that Jim did not survive yesterday's surgery. He left us about
11:30 a.m. this morning following liver failure after the somewhat risky
heart valve replacement.
Just this past weekend he had a tremendous time operating the FOC Marathon
and producing a splendid accounting of himself. This was just one more
achievement during his lifetime of fun in and service to Amateur Radio and,
in particular, the Florida Contest Group of which he was the first
president. His operating abilities were manifest and he almost always the
first one to volunteer his help, in spite of his declining physical
I know many of you will share my loss.
Ellen, W1YL/4 "ln"
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