[CQ-Contest] K4OJ, One of the very best

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Sat Feb 14 14:52:34 EST 2004

We all know (or have heard) what Jim meant to our fantastic hobby.
How radio contesting ran through is heart and soul.
He loved the people in this great contesting hobby just as much as he
loved life itself.

I am certain that Jim wants nothing more than for all of us than to
carry on his relentless dedication and tireless spirit  for everything
he loved,
especially the sport of radio contesting.

It is my sincere hope that Jim's lust for knowledge and commitment to
excellence will never be forgotten.
Jim always gave is very best.
Let's promise to carry on the enthusiasm he was famous for and never
ever let it end.

Although Jim was very active in last weekend's FOC Marathon,
I am so glad the CW Sprint was moved from its original date (today) to
two weeks ago where many of us got to work  Jim for the last time.

Rest in Peace OM Jim

Very 73,
Tim K3LR

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