[CQ-Contest] RSGB 80m Contests

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Tue Feb 17 16:00:16 EST 2004

This year, with the aim of encouraging new contesters, RSGB has
introduced a series of short contests on weekday evenings based
around club competition - the more members a club gets to come
on the air, the better they can score. So far the events have been
very well supported, with lots of new callsigns active.

We have had some enquiries from contesters elsewhere in Europe
about these events so I wanted to publicise them on this reflector.
Contacts outside the UK are most welcome though I realise that 
80m propagation won't allow QSOs with the majority of reflectorites 
who are in the U.S.

You should vist the all-new RSGB HF contests web site 
www.rsgbhfcc.org  for full rules but I have listed the contest dates 
below. All sessions are 90 minutes long, 20.00-21.30z on 80m.
Maximum power is 100W, or 10W in the QRP category. Exhange is
RS(T) and serial. In order to contribute to the club listing you have 
to be a member of an RSGB affiliated society.

Results for each session are published on the web site within a month
of the event, and the rolling club listing is updated at the same time.

The next session is CW this coming Thursday, 3.52-3.57MHz. The 
segment 3.55-3.57 is the 'QRS corral' where the less experienced CW
operators can dip their toes in the water.

Dave G4BUO

January   5th-CW, 14th-SSB, 22nd-DATA 

February  2nd-SSB, 11th-DATA, 19th-CW. 

March  1st-DATA, 10th-CW, 18th-SSB. 

April  5th-CW, 14th-SSB, 22nd-DATA. 

May 3rd-SSB, 12th-DATA, 20th-CW. 

June 7th-DATA, 16th-CW. 24th-SSB. 

July 5th-CW, 14th-SSB, 22nd-DATA. 

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